Let us imagine that one day all life forms are dead on
this planet. Aliens from outer space visit the planet and they find a
computer sitting on the desk of a dead Google employee and try to
UNDERSTAND the computer. Upon exploring, they find that it is immensely
complicated system. For example, when it is powered on, electrons start
flowing...they pass through different chips etc etc... But as they are
endowed with extra-ordinary brains, they would be able to understand it
at even the atomic level. While trying to make sense of the computer,
aliens would be successful in explaining "How" the computer works in
terms of a chain of Cause-and-Effect events. For example, when the
computer is powered on, something happens which leads to something and
so on in a complicated chain of events. A tremendous achievement it
would be, wouldn't it?
But is this all about computers? Is all the knowledge aliens acquire about a computer complete in itself? If so, what about the fact that there was a life-form called "HUMANS" who invented the Computer by sequentially organizing things and assembling them over with a completely identifiable purpose in mind? Undeniably, there was a purpose to the creation of computer but will the aliens ever realize it? For them, the understanding of a computer can, at most, be in a physical sense i.e. a chain of cause and effect events. If they follow logic and reasoning of the kind that physicists today follow, they would never associate any purpose to the creation of computer. To them, the creation of a computer would be a completely purposeless physical event, but as we all agree, it would not be the complete picture.
Retracing the same line of thought as above, we can replace the Computer by our majestic Universe. When we look upon our universe, we find it mesmerizing and we give it a try to understand it. In the same way, as the aliens tried to understand the computer, we would try our best to understand it. And in the same way as the aliens did, we would be able to explain the universe in terms of a chain of physical events. For example, something led to big bang( the multi-verse theory), which led to formation of stars and galaxies, which in turn led to formation of planets which in turn led to formation of life etc etc. But as we saw above(with the example of computer), it might not be the complete picture of the universe. Just as the aliens concluded incorrectly and prematurely that there was no purpose to the creation of computer, in the same way, may we not incorrectly and prematurely make the same conclusion? When one digs deep into the workings of universe, it sounds as if the whole chain of events leading to present state of universe is indeed a mere probabilistic cosmic event with no associated purpose at all. But don't we have a chance to go horribly wrong in this line of thinking?
Indeed, it may be possible that there is an underlying purpose in the workings of the cosmos. In the above example of aliens, if we remove all traces that could lead the aliens to the existence of life, it would be unpretentiously difficult for them to discover a purpose behind the invention of a computer. Would the same be the fate of Science? Would science never be able to theoretically and experimentally establish the purpose of universe? Would it be limited to a mere cause-and-effect understanding of universe in a physical sense?
Right now, I don't know whether science can really break the barriers of its own discipline. But I would like to be an optimist. I would like to believe in Albert Einstein who once said: "One thing I have learned in a long life: that all our science, measured against reality, is primitive and childlike -- and yet it is the most precious thing we have." I would like to believe in him when he said " Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world". I would love to think that though our knowledge about the purpose of universe is limited but may our imagination one day lead us to uncover the true reality of things! May the physical understanding of our universe encapsulate within itself the hidden links to uncover the deeper underlying secrets! May Science is vindicated one day, once and for all!
But is this all about computers? Is all the knowledge aliens acquire about a computer complete in itself? If so, what about the fact that there was a life-form called "HUMANS" who invented the Computer by sequentially organizing things and assembling them over with a completely identifiable purpose in mind? Undeniably, there was a purpose to the creation of computer but will the aliens ever realize it? For them, the understanding of a computer can, at most, be in a physical sense i.e. a chain of cause and effect events. If they follow logic and reasoning of the kind that physicists today follow, they would never associate any purpose to the creation of computer. To them, the creation of a computer would be a completely purposeless physical event, but as we all agree, it would not be the complete picture.
Retracing the same line of thought as above, we can replace the Computer by our majestic Universe. When we look upon our universe, we find it mesmerizing and we give it a try to understand it. In the same way, as the aliens tried to understand the computer, we would try our best to understand it. And in the same way as the aliens did, we would be able to explain the universe in terms of a chain of physical events. For example, something led to big bang( the multi-verse theory), which led to formation of stars and galaxies, which in turn led to formation of planets which in turn led to formation of life etc etc. But as we saw above(with the example of computer), it might not be the complete picture of the universe. Just as the aliens concluded incorrectly and prematurely that there was no purpose to the creation of computer, in the same way, may we not incorrectly and prematurely make the same conclusion? When one digs deep into the workings of universe, it sounds as if the whole chain of events leading to present state of universe is indeed a mere probabilistic cosmic event with no associated purpose at all. But don't we have a chance to go horribly wrong in this line of thinking?
Indeed, it may be possible that there is an underlying purpose in the workings of the cosmos. In the above example of aliens, if we remove all traces that could lead the aliens to the existence of life, it would be unpretentiously difficult for them to discover a purpose behind the invention of a computer. Would the same be the fate of Science? Would science never be able to theoretically and experimentally establish the purpose of universe? Would it be limited to a mere cause-and-effect understanding of universe in a physical sense?
Right now, I don't know whether science can really break the barriers of its own discipline. But I would like to be an optimist. I would like to believe in Albert Einstein who once said: "One thing I have learned in a long life: that all our science, measured against reality, is primitive and childlike -- and yet it is the most precious thing we have." I would like to believe in him when he said " Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world". I would love to think that though our knowledge about the purpose of universe is limited but may our imagination one day lead us to uncover the true reality of things! May the physical understanding of our universe encapsulate within itself the hidden links to uncover the deeper underlying secrets! May Science is vindicated one day, once and for all!
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